Initial Consultation

Before you start your counselling sessions with Relate Plymouth and South Devon, you’ll meet with one of our counsellors for an Initial Consultation, usually lasting for one hour.

The Initial Consultation is about :
*working out together if Relate is the best option for you
*to give you an opportunity to see how we work at Relate
*a ‘fact finding ‘ session which will take an hour
*some questions about yourselves and your relationship – the situation as you see it.
*plenty of time for you to talk about your situation and the issues that you are facing

During the IC , your counsellor will then agree with you how often you’ll meet, at a time that suits you. After this, you’ll meet with your counsellor usually weekly or fortnightly and we’ll help you to work towards achieving the results you’re looking.

We aim to offer you a first appointment within 10 days.
Clients are asked to come to the session 10 mins before that start of the session to go through Data Protection and Confidentiality .

What is Relate?

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