Welcome to Relate Plymouth and South Devon
We know that sometimes relationships aren’t easy. They are subject to all the stresses and strains of daily life and can be difficult.
Weathering bad times together, working through solutions or even learning to endure what can’t be improved, all add a depth and commitment to a relationship. To survive these difficulties, however, the problems must be faced.
How Relate Plymouth and South Devon can help
Our counsellors, based at our main Relate office on North Hill, can help you through your problems by providing low-cost counselling in Plymouth and South Devon.
We believe that with the right support you can make a relationship work. Relate Plymouth and South Devon’s aim is not to force people to stay together, but to enable them to reach their own decisions about what is right for them.
With you from start to finish
Be it problems with your family, your children, your relationship or your sex life, our range of counselling services will help you with any difficulties you’re having.
Relate Plymouth is based at 3 Blenheim Road, North Hill, Plymouth PL4 8LJ
The centre will resume face to face sessions from Monday the 19th of April .
We will be working in a covid safe enviroment .
Face to face sessions offered Mondays, Wedensdays and Fridays.
Children and young peoples counselling face to face Mondays afternoon and early evening
Children and young peoples zoom sessions Thursdays afternoons and early evening .
We are still offering zoom sessions across the week daytime and evenings .
Latest zoom is offered at 8pm
Telephone sessions Monday and Tuesdays day time and evenings
Lastest session 8pm
Please ring or email us for an Initial appointment or for further information- Sue will answwer the telephone. Offcie number 01752 213131 mobile 07522288426
or email relateplymouth@googlemail.com
Counselling at Tavistock by zoom at present . Day time or evenings available
Relate South Devon will be offering zoom sessions day time and evenings
Sessions in Newton Abbot will be by zoom …day time and evening sessions available
Sessions in Totnes will be by zoom daytime and evenings availble
Please do call and speak to the receptionist in Plymouth – there is no obligation to book and we will answer any questions that you have about the sessions
We look forward to your call . We aim to offer you an Initial Consultation within two weeks .
Please note that babies and children cannot attend counselling sessions.
Children can attend Family and young peoples counselling but not couple sessions .